In the nursery rhyme, she has a reputation for being quite contrary. No doubt some would say in real life too.
Ever desperate for affirmation, this Mary won an art prize in first grade and that was the beginning of “making stuff.” Creating kept me semi-sane in high school and college. A sculptor student suggested I design wallpaper and I was grievously insulted. No doubt it would have been more lucrative! But he had a point. I love the strictures of graphic design and the precision of typography. My first jobs were in the art departments of publishing companies. However the freedom and mess of ink and paint tempted me back to graduate school, where I earned an MFA in printmaking. Since then I have been a practicing artist and educator.
My mixed media work has graced the walls of television shows and movies (thank you set designers), and it is in many collections, both public and private (thank you art reps). I have shown in Canada and Europe and the USA. One of the best things about printmaking and works on paper is probably also the worst: they tend to be very affordable! When a young person buys their first piece of original art from me, I am proud.
I hope you enjoy looking around. Please feel free to reach out with any questions (see contact page).